Make Up Review and Comparison : Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner Vs Kate quick eyeliner

Hi All! Long time no see *waving hands* :p

I'm back again with another review :D. Right now i want to review these two eyeliners. The first one is Benefit Push Up Liner and the second one is Kate quick Eyeliner. Benefit Push Up Liner is a  Pen Shaped Gel Eyeliner. While Kate quick eyeliner is a liquid marker shaped eyeliner. Here are the swatches and comparisons:

Above : Kate Quick Eyeliner
Below : Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner

Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner 

Kate Quick Eyeliner

Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner Swatch 1

Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner Swatch 2

Kate Quick Eyeliner Swatch 1

Kate Quick Eyeliner Swatch 2


  • Overall Review : The product came out thick and rubbery, the consistency is very dry. it doesn't curve, it is HARD to apply,  you'll need to add a lot of pressure when you want to apply it. It is actually a gel eyeliner, but i think the texture resembles more of a pencil than gel eyeliner. And it is HARD to take off.  You'll need to buy The Benefit They're Real make up remover as well (which is EXPENSIVE). But the good things about this eyeliner are the colour payoff is really good and thick, and also you can make a cat eye look without any worries that the ink will ruin your eye make up since it dried so easily. The Price is Around 40 USD ( 400 ribu rupiah).


  • Overall Review : This water based eyeliner is a Japanese Drugstore eyeliner and is the sister brand of Kanebo. The biggest problem i found in this eyeliner, is the design of the marker-like tip. The eyeliner tip is too soft and it is really hard for me to make cat eye look with this eyeliner. But the colour payoff is good, not easily smudges. The Price is around 10 $ (100 ribu rupiah).


If you have small eyelids, and you're in hurry, and you don't have much time to wait for the liquid eyeliner to dry, i suggest you to use Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner. But if you have big eyelids, and you're not in a hurry, and you're experienced in drawing eyeliner, i suggest you to use Kate Quick Eyeliner because it has better formula and better texture than Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner. And also CHEAPER PRICE! :D

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till next time



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